
Join us!

I am always looking for highly motivated graduate students and Pre/Postdocs. Our lab interests range from microbial ecology to urban water quality management. Students interested in working on the urban microbial ecology and bacterial horizontal gene transfer are welcome to contact me!

Research fellowships for Pre/Postdocs are provided by Japan society for the promotion of science (JSPS).
Scholarships by Japanese government(MEXT)is here.
Please see the university website for details on the admission requirements for graduate students.
Although funding to support graduate students is very limited, you also can check this site "Graduate fellowship opportunity". Please refer to university Global Education Center for more details.

Contact infomation

Kazuaki MATSUI / Professor
Laboratory of Environmental Bio-Science,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Kindai University
3-4-1Kowakae HigashiOsaka, Osaka 577-8502, Japan
kmatsui (at) civileng.kindai.ac.jp


Department of
Civil Environ Eng

Kindai University Kindai University